VosMediator offers a wide range of investment properties,land and factoriesfinished for greenfield investments in the entireterritory of Serbia.
We also note thatthe last few years we have been strategic partners oflarge companies and investment funds that are buyingland, buildings or companies who entered on the Serbian market.
Oursatisfied customers for many years in the field of investment and the largest chain of companyBIG outlet shoppingcenters in Israel and the U.S.
We alsowas intermediaries in thesale of gas stations to INTERMOL Serbian company- part ofMOL Group.
Intermediariesin the sale of land to for the construction of the dairies to company PALMAS FOODS.
CompanyPLAZA (a global company specializing in the construction of shopping malls).
MRBRICKOLAGE( global company specializing in DIY hypermarkets)
We are also consultants for interested investors, We provideassessmentof land for the construction, assessment ofthe wide surrounding arealocations,infrastructure, the current state on the real estate market, and evengive the elements that are useful in future business, in case of tourism or commercial investment.